Shoremount helped us re-define our strategy and change our business model to create new opportunities and focus on long-term ambitions. We are now set to generate marked improvements not only in financial returns but also in how we interact with our local community, the environment and wider stakeholders. Importantly, I now enjoy my personal role and am excited about the future.
— Principal, Family Office

Less land agent. More strategic, creative Trustee

Whist we have extensive property experience, we are not land agents. We are people who understand the challenges facing those with this kind of responsibility.

Our services help people with stewardship responsibilities think creatively and progressively about their role. To help them see what they are wrestling with is happening in other sectors too and what lessons can be drawn from that.

For 10+ years we have been part of a working group of farms and estates exploring the practical, philosophical, familial and spiritual side of stewardship. We bring this whole hearted approach to our work.

I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods.
— Wendell Berry